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Media Appearances

"Gloria Estefan leads march to denounce Cuban regime"


'President Obama called the attacks against the Ladies in White and last month's death of Oswaldo Zapata Tamayo, a political prisoner who died after a 2½ month hunger strike protesting prison conditions, "deeply disturbing."

On Thursday, the marchers walked slowly down a five-block stretch, occasionally chanting "¡Libertad!" Some waved Cuban or American flags, others carried white gladiolas, the flowers carried by the Ladies in White during their marches.

"Non-violent activists like Ladies in White are leading the way to freedom in Cuba," said Aramis Perez, 25, who joined the marchers. "They deserve our support."'

"After Kim Jong-il’s Death, Cubans Wait for Castro’s Turn"

Fox News

'“People think that whether he lives or dies is the only thing that will determine the future course of events in Cuba,” said Aramis Pérez, a secretariat member of the Cuban Resistance Assembly and Miami native. “In order for there to be an end to the regime there is an entire system that needs to be removed.”

Even though the power has already been transferred to Raul as President of Cuba, and succession plans have been set for years, Pérez believes there is hope that Castro’s death can be more than symbolic.

But, he says, don’t expect change to come from the regime.

“I do see great hope in the democracy movement and the real trends of the ordinary Cuban on the street seeing these activists taking these risks," said Pérez. "The ordinary person on the street losing that fear and starting to join more frequently."'

"Cuban Dissident's Death Felt in Miami"

NBC Miami

'"So far in 2010 we have seen a big spike in activism. This also corresponds with a big spike in repression," said Aramis Perez, a spokesperson for the group...

Sorting through first hand reports, Aramis Perez noted, "Immediately leading up to the burial there was a march through the streets of his hometown. People shouted 'freedom, down with the dictator' and as they marched more people joined in."'

"For Cuban Women, Sundays Are for Protest Marches"

Women's eNews

'It wasn’t the first time bystanders had aided the women, but because it was in such a busy area, it was the first time such an action was caught on video with cell-phone cameras and uploaded to YouTube the very next day.

"It was visible proof, released to an international audience over YouTube, that there is an increasing support for the resistance movement," said Aramis Perez...

The resistance movement is carried out by a wide cross-section of Cuban citizens–urban, rural, farmers, students–but "women have been playing a leading role," said Perez.'

"Zapata Tamayo morre após 85 dias de greve de fome"

TSF Rádio Noticias- Portugal

"Em declarações à TSF, Aramis Perez, do directório democrata cubano, uma organização oposicionista com sede na Flórida, Estados Unidos, disse que a morte deste preso político cubano «não vai ser em vão», porque vai abrir o caminho da oposição para «continuar a lutar» a favor do que ele queria."

"Grupos del exilio cubano presentan plan de acción y apoyo al activismo cívico"

ABC- Spain

'Durante la exposición de los siete puntos, la Asamblea hizo una llamada a la lucha cívica en Cuba como vía para lograr la "plena libertad del pueblo cubano y el fin de la dictadura", declaró Aramís Pérez, directivo del Directorio Democrático Cubano, grupo integrado en esta organización.'

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